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September 2024 Wisdom Forecast

Writer's picture: Chris BreauxChris Breaux

September 2024 Wisdom Themes

Major Theme: Genesis of the Future


1. Gestating Renewed Authority: Female leadership has been a struggle for the most recent trajectory of this human timeline. Authority has always been strict and oppressive, which is on the masculine side of the spectrum. This is not to say that masculine qualities in leadership are negatively oriented. It is only to say that what was experienced was different than the balance that will emerge. There have been numerous examples of Divine Feminine authority within the human collective establishing a guide for balancing. The essence of the Divine Mother leads through nurturing. The Warrior Goddess endures change with strength and resilience. Allow your own authority to shift into the space of the Cosmic Womb. Where what is necessary is allowed to grow and expand with Grace. Here, look for an abundance of inspiration as you allow yourself to receive the Divine Feminine aspects of your authority, bringing balance to what guides your experience and to the guide of humanity. Your authority shall allow it so that what may be is understood in its righteousness and granted deliverance.


2. Collective Illusion Detachment: Be mindful of what fills the mind. Established avenues of entertainment and information bombard you with ideas of happiness and success. But are they truly describing your will, or are they simply revealing a struggle for power over your will? Attempts at enslaving your mind to a machine that leaves you constantly chasing elusive constructs in hopes of finding external validation to sublimate the underlying truth of your unhappiness. But what is happiness to you? Where do you find the light of joy? Take a step or two back from the invitation of collective thought engagement. Clear what has been clouding your acknowledgment of the truth, that what is being presented to you as the road to happiness will not bring you happiness. Return to your image and move into the essence of your being to find your will and your path to Joy. To find you.


3. Responsibility in Protecting the Future: Remember that the future is created within each present moment. There are many opportunities and many choices for which direction to take. There may be many opinions on which of these are right or wrong. But you are the architect of the future. The future is your legacy. So the laying down of its form is no trivial matter. There is treasure for you here in the now and to be created for the grandchildren of the present. Be wise in which direction you choose to lead. Be sure that it is not influenced by those who have no expertise in what is right for you. Those who may be guided by fear and not love. Protect the future through choices that are sure to bear fruit for future generations. Avoid taking too much from the present so as to only leave a dried heap of bones. The future does not belong to you, so be mindful of its creation. You have been granted this opportunity on account of your virtue. You are the one that the future relies on.


4. The Possibility of the Impossible: In the stillness of silence, all is possible. It is only when we examine the noise of what is and we judge things to be outside the realm of possibility, that we then make them impossible. But to create the impossible we must believe in its potential. When you look up at the night sky into the expansiveness of the stars, you see but a small sliver of all that exists...of all that has come through impossibility to aid you and guide you to beauty. Quiet your judgment of what may be possible for yourself. You are a being of the infinite and as such there is no limit to your creation. You only need to take one step at a time and keep your focus on the essence of potential, rather than the form of it.



Strategies for Navigating September 2024:


1. Recognize that you are stewarding and sharing abundance on behalf of a higher source. You are the benefactor of the future. The beauty of tomorrow comes through your grace and generosity today.


2. There are many things we cannot change in this life. Finding and creating happiness is not about changing the things we do not like. It is about accepting them without judgment to let go of our fears and reveal the truth that happiness is always with us. Practice non-judgment of what is and see your capacity for love expand exponentially.


3. Let go of the worry and despair that has kept you trapped and separated from the future you desire. When you are ready to let go of worry and hopelessness, a new way will be shown to you.


4. Humble brag. You have come a long way on your journey and it hasn't been easy. There are those who notice your success and would even seek to emulate you as a way of finding their own path. Pat yourself on the back, but remember to keep your ego in check. Stay grounded and remember where you came from.

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